RailState captured information on a couple thousand trains moving through Amarillo, TX. This snapshot is a sampling of the most common HAZMAT on those trains.
Overall freight volume westbound to the Port of Vancouver stayed flat in June (+0.2%). The biggest % changes came from Potash trains, which increased 23.3%.
RailState et la Western Canadian Shippers’ Coalition ont annoncé un financement fédéral du National Corridors Trade Fund pour un projet conjoint de visibilité ferroviaire.
RailState and Western Canadian Shippers’ Coalition, announced federal funding from the National Corridors Trade Fund for a joint rail visibility project.
Total container volume through the western Canada ports fell to 87,500 containers in June, down from 95,000 containers in May.
RailState shares some recent examples of trains with similar HAZMAT loads as the train that derailed in East Palestine.
How long are the trains moving on US railroads? What are they carrying? RailState shares some recent examples of long trains on the US network.
May was the strongest month for eastbound intermodal through the US Southwest that RailState has ever recorded. BNSF and UP moved 248,804 containers combined, an increase of 11.4% over April.
Freight volume westbound into the Port of Vancouver fell 6.1% in May while overall train volume through the port rose, driven by increased Intermodal traffic.
Container volume remained at historic levels on CN in May while volumes fell on CPKC and are now below volumes seen in 2023.