Port of Vancouver westbound export traffic November 2023

RailState, the rail industry’s only provider of real-time rail network visibility, independently tracks all freight rail movements across Canada in real-time. 

Western Ports

Port of Vancouver

Total train volume westbound to the Port of Vancouver declined 3.5% in November compared to October. Automotive trains increased the most, growing from 4 trains to 12 trains. The largest increase in train counts were Coal trains, which grew from 148 to 161. Grain unit trains declined 15.4% last month.  

CPKC took a larger share of volume in November, outpacing CN by more than 5%. Last month, the two railroads evenly split volumes. 

market share to POV November 2023

Prince Rupert

Freight volume to the Port of Prince Rupert increased slightly (2.1%) in November. Most growth came from Grain unit trains, which increased 8.1% in November. This was much less than the changes in October, which saw Grain volumes increase 37.1%.

Rail volume to port of prince rupert january to november 2023 by train type

Eastern Ports


Train volume to Halifax grew 10.7% in November, from modest increases in Grain volume (5.4%) and Manifest trains (6.3%). Although small in train count, Coal unit trains added 3 trains in November.

Rail volume to port of halifax january to November 2023 by train type

Port of Sydney

Train volume to the Port of Sydney increased slightly (3.3%), adding 4 Coal trains and a Petroleum train additional manifest trains in October compared to September. 

Rail volume to port of sydney january to november 2023 by train type

Thunder Bay

Train volume to Thunder Bay rose 7.4% in October. Grain volume continued to grow, increasing 4.9% last month. There were an additional 6 Coal trains and 3 Automotive trains compared to October.

Rail volume to Thunder Bay january to november 2023 by train type

In September, CPKC moved twice as many carloads as CN through Thunder Bay. In October and November that ratio increased to 3:1.

Thunder Bay November market share CN and CPKC

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