RailState, the rail industry’s only provider of real-time rail network visibility, independently tracks all freight rail movements across Canada in real-time.
Western Ports
Port of Vancouver
Total train volume westbound to the Port of Vancouver declined 3.5% in November compared to October. Automotive trains increased the most, growing from 4 trains to 12 trains. The largest increase in train counts were Coal trains, which grew from 148 to 161. Grain unit trains declined 15.4% last month.
CPKC took a larger share of volume in November, outpacing CN by more than 5%. Last month, the two railroads evenly split volumes.
Prince Rupert
Freight volume to the Port of Prince Rupert increased slightly (2.1%) in November. Most growth came from Grain unit trains, which increased 8.1% in November. This was much less than the changes in October, which saw Grain volumes increase 37.1%.
Eastern Ports
Train volume to Halifax grew 10.7% in November, from modest increases in Grain volume (5.4%) and Manifest trains (6.3%). Although small in train count, Coal unit trains added 3 trains in November.
Port of Sydney
Train volume to the Port of Sydney increased slightly (3.3%), adding 4 Coal trains and a Petroleum train additional manifest trains in October compared to September.
Thunder Bay
Train volume to Thunder Bay rose 7.4% in October. Grain volume continued to grow, increasing 4.9% last month. There were an additional 6 Coal trains and 3 Automotive trains compared to October.
In September, CPKC moved twice as many carloads as CN through Thunder Bay. In October and November that ratio increased to 3:1.