BNSF daily container volume by container type eastbound through Arizona

RailState, the rail industry’s only provider of real-time rail network visibility, independently tracks freight rail movements across North America in real-time. 

This report covers train and intermodal container movements on Union Pacific and BNSF railways in the southwest United States. 

Union Pacific

Train volumes through this region are dominated by intermodal. For Union Pacific trains traveling eastbound through Southern California, intermodal makes up 65% of total train volume. 

Manifest trains account for 25% of train traffic through this corridor and Automotive trains make up the remainder. 

Union Pacific Train volume by train type eastbound through southern california

In the westbound direction, there are far fewer automotive trains. Over the previous 10 days, 1,490 autoracks moved eastbound while only 821 traveled westbound. 

Intermodal controls a larger share of westbound Union Pacific train traffic, accounting for 71% of all train movements.

Union Pacific Train volume by train type westbound through southern california


BNSF moves a slightly broader mix of trains than Union Pacific but intermodal remains dominant. Intermodal trains make up 79% of eastbound traffic through Arizona. Manifest trains account for 14% and the remainder of trains are a mix of automotive, coal, grain, and petroleum trains. 

BNSF daily Train volume by train type eastbound through Arizona

Intermodal makes up a slightly smaller percentage of trains moving westbound on BNSF, 73% compared to 79% in the eastbound direction. Westbound traffic was also slightly lower over the previous ten days with 225 trains moving in this direction compared to 234 moving eastbound along the same route.

BNSF daily Train volume by train type westbound through Arizona


Union Pacific moved 27,252 containers eastbound through southern California over the past 10 days, a slim majority (52.4%) of which were domestic containers.

Union Pacific daily container volume by container type eastbound through southern California

BNSF moved a total of 38,414 containers over the previous ten days. This included a higher proportion of domestic intermodal than Union Pacific. Domestic containers accounted for 58% of volume.

BNSF daily container volume by container type eastbound through Arizona

From October 15 to October 24, 65,666 containers moved east on these two routes through the southwest United States. BNSF moved 58.5% of the total container volume and 61% of the domestic container volume.

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